Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also called ADHD, is considered one of the most common behavioral disorders among children. However, teens and adults can also have ADHD.
Causes and Risk Factors
ADHD appears to be more common in boys than in girls. While the exact cause of ADHD is still unknown, recent research has shown that ADHD may be related to genetic and environmental factors, such as excessive exposure to lead or other toxins. Studies with twins suggest a genetic link with ADHD. Preterm birth, low birth weight, and major head injuries can also increase the risk of developing ADHD.
What is the history of ADHD?
Symptoms of ADHD can be classified into three groups: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. When your doctor evaluates it for the first time, most patients with ADHD have mainly symptoms of inattention. Some patients also have a combination of hyperactive and impulsive symptoms.
How is ADHD diagnosed?
If you think your child has ADHD, you need to talk to your pediatrician for an evaluation. There is no individual test that can diagnose ADHD. A healthcare professional usually makes a diagnosis through a multi-step evaluation because many other conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and learning problems, have symptoms similar to those of ADHD.
Most children with ADHD have at least another developmental or behavioral problem. ADHD in adults can be difficult to diagnose. A health care provider will want to know if you had symptoms of ADHD during childhood and will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if you have ADHD.
Several treatment options are available to control ADHD. The doctor will determine the best treatment plan. Treatment may include medications and/ or behavioral therapy. The most commonly prescribed drugs to treat ADHD are psychostimulants, such as methylphenidate and amphetamines. In addition, non-stimulating drug atomoxetine is approved by the U.S. Department for the treatment of ADHD.
Therapy is usually adapted to provide the most effective results for each patient. Although medicines will not cure ADHD, they can help control symptoms if the patient takes the medicines as directed by the health care provider. If your child is prescribed medication it is important to talk to your doctor for any concerns or side effects of the drug.
Behavioral therapy, which is designed to increase focus skills,is often used to help patients control behavior and organize themselves better.
Living with ADHD
Although ADHD is a long-term disorder, the good news is that with proper treatment, it can be controlled. If left untreated, it can adversely affect school work, work performance, and family and social relations. Parents and caregivers can help their children by being sympathetic; praising good behavior; limiting environmental distractions; and ensuring that the child gets enough sleep, eat a balanced and nutritious diet, and maintain a consistent and organized schedule.